Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Week 9 - 21st of November - Hands, feet and figure finish

The hands

The hands to me were one of the most difficult parts to sculpt.  It required me to get into depth with sculpting each individual knuckle and the way it bent and curved.  I noted the arc of the knuckles as they went accross the hand.  The hand consists of the carpals, or wrist bones; the metacrapals, or bones of the palm; and the phalanges, which are the finger bones.

The surface anatomy of the hand is defined mostly by the skeletal structure.  When sculpting, i paid attention to three main surfaces.  The thenar group or the base of the thumb; the hypothenar group the base around the pinky; and the pads for the bases of the fingers.  

At the higher subdivision levels I was adding in finer details which proved more enjoyable such as the wrinkles the knuckles make as they stretch out.  The veins of the back of the palm, and the bony landmarks of the fingers.

The feet

The feet is very similar to the hand from its skeletal structure.  It is made up of metatarsals and phalanages like the hand.  The surface anatomy is again similar, being made up of three major landmarks.  These are called the medial longitudinal arch, the lateral longitudinal arch, and the transverse arch.  The underside has fleshy pads which protect the bones making up the feet.  When sculpting these in, I used the flatten brush to make it seem like they were carrying the weight of the person.  

feet and figure finish

After the feet and hands were sculpted in I took a final look at the sculpture as whole.  The video below shows my process of the feet and finishing off the figure  I ended up reducing the visibility of the muscles and tried to bring it into a sense of reality.  I also kept in mind that I was going to pose this character, so I paid attention to things like the armpit, putting in a deeper hole to make deformation easier.  Overall I was pretty happy with the result.  Next time I will be posing the character and rendering it for presentation.

The male figure finished

The feet up close

The hands up close

Week 8 - 20th of November. The Legs

I must apologize for the lateness of this post.  For the past 2 weeks i've dedicated my time to animating my IEP project and have therefore fallen behind.

This week and the next I am going to try to catch up by focusing on the legs today, and finally finishing off the figure by focusing on the hands, feet, and the figure as a whole.

But this week i focused on the legs.  Again I focused on just massing in the forms of the muscles, then broke down each one individually.  The final figure wasn't as detailed as some of the reference images I took from Digital sculpting, but as I did a smoothing pass on the legs, it lost some detail but maintained the overall silhouette.

I broke it down into two cylindrical forms, with a slight taper from the top to bottom.  I also re-addressed the pelvis as it was off the measure guides slightly.  I also massed in the obliques a bit more to maintain a more aesthetically pleasing model.

The muscles of the buttocks consisted of the:

  • Glueteus maxmimus
  • Gluteus medius
The muscles of the upper leg consisted of the:
  • Tensor fasciae lata
  • Sartorious
  • Gracilis
  • Great trochanter
  • Iliotibial band
  • Vastus lateralis
  • Vastus medialis
  • Rectus femoris
  • Bicep femoris
  • Semitendinosus
  • Seminmembranosus
The muscles of the lower leg consisted of the:
  • Extensor digitorum longus
  • Gastrocnemius
  • Peroneus longus
  • Tibialis anterior
  • Soleus
I made most of these muscles visible in the final figure, however some were lost as I did the smoothing pass.  This was slightly intentional as the level of detail did not match with the figure overall.
the final leg sculpt

Diagram displaying some of the msucles

The figure so far
Next time i'll be focusing on finishing the figure and then sculpting clothing.  For the clothing i'll most likely keep it simple and maybe just sculpt pants.  The point of this assignment is to learn the muscular anatomy and i fear that clothing will detract from this.  After this then its off to posing. Can't wait.